Several Fallen Angelic Race lines and Invader Races began their attempt to pull Earth back down out of harmonic universe not long after the Earth was pulled into harmonic universe two on February 7, 2017.

My Ascension Team's plan was originally to have the demonic race lines possess Joe as we were opening the first portal, Joe would die, God went into Joe's Soul and removed it from his body in order to remove the demons from the Earth forever. The original plan of the demonic race lines was to take over the planet through the Ascension Portals that we were opening, and we thought we could stop their attempts with the removal that we arranged in July 2008.

So, here we are in 2017. All of the Ascension Portals were opened without any demonic take over of the human consciousness. But, now we learn that there was an entirely different group of these demonic or very dense race lines that were creating a different plan of attack that none of the Creators or Angels could foresee.

The present attack requires lowering the frequencies of those on Earth so that the frequencies of Earth will be lowered back down into harmonic universe one.

Jesus already told me that he would not let this happen. He said they have a plan. The most important thing everyone on Earth can do is to keep raising their frequencies so that we can not get pulled back down again.

Jesus said it will be my Ascension Portals that will keep Earth attached to the entire Universe through harmonic universe two. You see, the Ascension Portals that I created go all the way to the Creator Realm and tie Earth into an Eternity Loop of Ascension. The demonic plan was to place Earth eternally in a loop where Ascension could not take place.

Now, for those of you who are being confused about what Ascension is by those telling you it is like what Russia went through when she gained freedom, that is what we call Evolution- not Ascension. So, those of you taking that course in Ascension, are just getting another anthropology course in Evolution of mankind.

Ascension required moving Earth into the fourth dimension. That took place in September 2016. It required opening 12 Ascension Portals. That took place between 2008-2016 and I finished that project in October of 2016. That is what CHANGED EVERYTHING IN THE FALL OF 2016.

After that great change which made the new possibility of the Original Ones completing their Ascension directly from the Creator realm down through Earth and then breaking free into a new reality that has never been experienced before. That will be the completion of the next level of their Ascension. That was an Ascension that began 900 million years ago and it was blocked by the problems placed in Earth's consciousness by the Invader Races.

That Ascension of the Original Ones is required before the ascension of anyone else will take place. After the Kreeaaa Race from Alpha Centauri talk to our government and convince then to sign the treaty and join the Galactic and Universal Councils and they agree to FIRST CONTACT, that is when many fourth dimensional race lines will land on Earth.

That can not begin until the Original Ones fly through my Central Portal, because that is when the CONSCIOUSNESS of the original species of this planet will be returned into Earth's Consciousness. After that, the Stargates will open simultaneously and the FIRST CONTACT will begin.

We are hoping this will happen by next year, however, the present probable future is showing two years from now.


There is the Ascension of the Universe, the Galaxy, the Original Ones, many race lines taking place at this time.
The Ascension of those on Earth will take place at precisely the eighteen month period of 2039-2040.


Those who need a little extra time have until 2047 to get off of the planet.

I have written two very detailed books on that entire event and process itself. One book is TURNING INTO LIGHT and the other book is MUSIC OF THE SPHERES LIGHT AND SOUND TECHNOLOGY. The Physics of Turning into Light.

On July 9,2017 Jesus told me about the attack of the Invader Races. That was only a very small part of what we talked about during that one hour session.

We also talked about my communication with the Original Ones. I will be talking to La Ka from Alpha Centauri about his plan on approaching our government. We talked about my talk with the Ladies from Venus who arrived in February, and how the Venutians are now protecting the Earth from the Sun's Radiation that would fry us.

We talked about the Time Machine explosion in Antarctica that was caused by the Cabal creating three Time Machines that they were told not to create. The Original Ones from Sirius arrived on June 20th. They talked to the Cabal and tried to convince them to refrain from turning on the Time Machine because they were breaking hundreds of Universal Rules and the results would damage the Earth and the Solar System. The Cabal would not listen. The Time Machine exploded and sent four of their people out into never never land where they would surely die. The explosion created Takeons in our atmosphere that the Sirians are working to remove. The explosion also created a problem with the wobble of the Earth's axis that the Sirians are working on.