Mind Altering Music


The Frequencies in this music manipulate the brain exactly like mind altering drugs such as LSD, Cocaine, DMT and Ecstasy. The Music is completely without the drugs and is a Psychedelic Drug Alternative Therapy  .  .  Enjoy!



Crystal Magic Orchestra

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The Frequencies in this music manipulate the brain exactly like mind altering drugs such as LSD, Cocaine, DMT and Ecstasy. The Music is completely without the drugs and is a Psychedelic Drug Alternative Therapy  .  .  Enjoy!

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The Frequencies in this music manipulate the brain exactly like mind altering drugs such as LSD, Cocaine, DMT and Ecstasy. I know this because I have long term drug users telling me this. The Mind Altering Drugs cause the pineal gland to secrete the large amounts of seratonin that serve as a connection fluid into the higher realms of consciousness. The Frequencies in this music are designed to create this same effect on the Brain through the use of the Higher Consciousness Frequencies that actually performs the connection of Consciousness into Dimensions 4-12.

The reason that many people have been experimenting with Mind Altering Drugs, and, the reason Dr. Timothy Leary spent many years of his lifetime arranging scientifiic experiments with these drugs is because the drugs have shown doctors that the mind expands, becomes more free to go beyond the emotions and to experience realities that can not usually be seen.

More recently in our time line there have been Entities who can already see and experience many dimensions of reality that the normal human has never seen before. One Entity from Lemuria has already shown us how to use the parts of the brain that allow us to become free from the illusions that are shown to us by our thinking brain and our amydgala gland by using our pineal gland and pituitary gland correctly.

The research shows that the mind altering drugs shift the mind into the Frequency Specific Part of the brain that uses the chemical called DMT and Seratonin to activate the visualization of higher dimensional realities.

Our new reality is showing us that we have the power to activate the visualization of higher dimensions without the use of drugs because these drugs were simply stimulating the higher frequencies that can be stimulated through frequency music of light and sound.

The reason people use drugs is to rise out of the illusions of the third dimension and rise into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and even the 8th dimension. The trips taken in consciousness are as Real as a trip taken in a car. When we learn more about the removal of time and space because it is actually an illusion we will begin to understand that the trips that we take in consciousness are more real than the trips that we take in our motor vehicles.

The Mind Altering Frequencies of Crystal Magic Orchestra's music replace the use of chemicals that alter consciousness. The frequencies of this music   open doors to multiple realities, connect the frequency specific brain to the Mind of God and stimulate neurotransmitters to connect directly into the subconscious of God for future reality direction.

The magic of DMT, Cocaine and other mind altering drugs is simply allowing the pineal gland to produce the DMT and seratonin that is required to shift the Consciousness into higher dimensions. The more of the chemical that is released the higher the dimensional teleport. It is usually into the fourth, but then allows transport into the Fifth after a little practice, and then as high as into the 8th after continued practice.

That is exactly what the fabricated DMT does. The Cocaine ads another dimension of complete release from the Thinking Brain that allows release from all emotion and more connection to Sovereign Consciousness of the Silver Pink part of the brain. This is achieved through the 14th dimension connecting into the Sun's plasma and then activating the new brain.

The Frequencies in this music manipulate the brain exactly like mind altering drugs such as LSD, Cocaine, DMT and Ecstasy. I know this because I have long term drug users telling me this. The Mind Altering Drugs cause the pineal gland to secrete the large amounts of seratonin that serve as a connection fluid into the higher realms of consciousness. The Frequencies in this music are designed to create this same effect on the Brain through the use of the Higher Consciousness Frequencies that actually performs the connection of Consciousness into Dimensions 4-12.

However, besides being illegal mind altering drugs are very hard on the individual.

However, I, Dr. Angela Barnett, have found that my mind can seriously go beyond the 5 senses all the way out beyond the many universes. There is no further. However, there are many way cool things in reality that I can access out there.

I have found that the stars and suns out in the universes all flow, move and do what they do up in Dimensions 13, 14 and 15 - the Cosmic area - Cosmic Frequencies.  

The Dimensions are divided by Light Frequencies.

Radio, Microwave, infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma, Cosmic

All of the music you can hear is within the 5 senses spectrum, which is within the area of Visible light and on down the lower frequencies of light - things you can see, touch, hear, etc. through the 5 senses.

C4 (Middle C on Piano("Middle C" is C4 ))  Frequency (Hz)  261.63 Hz
A4 (Orch tuning Note)  Frequency (Hz)     440.00
B8    Frequency (Hz)     7902.13
Piano Key 88 = C8 Eighth octave  Frequency (Hz)     4186.01
Piano Key  1 = A0  Frequency (Hz)     27.500

As shown in the diagram below that the lowest A1 note shown there is at 27.5 Hz and the tuning A4 is at 440 Hz and the highest note C8 is at 4186 Hz.

The A1 at 27.5 Hz to the C8 at 4186 Hz are all frequencies within the Visible light frequencies and on down the lower frequencies of light

All of Crystal Magic Orchestra's music has the Visible light frequencies and the lower frequencies of light that are shown above, but their music also has music from the Cosmic light frequencies in all of Crystal Magic Orchestra's music.

Crystal Magic Orchestra brings Cosmic Frequencies through Cosmic light into our music and that is why we always refer to our music as being Cosmic.

Dr. Angela Barnett's Mission on Earth has been to Bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music. The Universal Life Force Currents are far beyond the Light Spectrum and Sound Spectrum of the Five Senses. The Visions and Sounds come to Dr. Angela Barnett through Consciousness which is Spiritual, Invisible, and yet Known and Felt Clearly from Dr. Angela Barnett's  Soul Family who brings these Sounds into Dr. Angela Barnett's  Frequency Specific Mid Brain to be Exhaled on to the Crystal Star Dust Microphone that they provide for Dr. Angela Barnett.

Dr. Angela Barnett's Spiritual Frequency Music is shared with the Cosmic Understanding of the Music of the Spheres technologies that are now aligning the Earth's Matrix into a New Reality.  Dr. Barnett has discovered the Musical Transformational Technology that aligns Individual's into Eternal Life as we merge back into the Inner Domains of the Median Earth before Orbing into Multi Dimensional Realities far beyond all of the Global realities that exist.

Dr. Angela Barnett's Spiritual Frequency Music that is within all of Crystal Magic Orchestra's music is shared through the music and recordings which also include the Cosmic Understanding of the Music of the Spheres technologies that are now aligning the Earth's Matrix into a New Reality and is within all of Crystal Magic Orchestra's music. 

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music is transformative
- it will transform the listener.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music is founded upon
and expresses out from the highest vibrations

- the highest frequencies of light 

from the Cosmic Dimensions 15, 14, 13 and 12

and our music is transformational in a big way!

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music transforms the listener.