Mary Magdalene Jesus Dialog

Angela Barnett is Mary Magdalene
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My name is now Angela Barnett

The recordings of a channeled session with Yeshuwa ben Joseph - Jesus Christ that is on the "About Us" page, where he tells me that I am Mary Magdalene.

I am her Soul on Earth now completing the mission that was given to me by Yeshuwa - Jesus Christ and Elaika and my Over Soul Contract before I came to Earth.


The 5 Recordings can be listened to on the About Us page.

To Go to the About Us page to listen Press Here

My name is now Angela Barnett

I am the Soul of Mary Magdalene. I am the Female Christ on Earth. I am on Earth now. I have been here many times before. I was the wife of the one many of you call Jesus Christ. His name was Yeshuwa. He is called Jesus Christ because he was the Male Christ walking on Earth and I was and am the Female Christ walking on Earth.

This is my audio dialog with Yeshuwa - Jesus Christ. Since you can not possibly know the full meaning of what is being discussed between us because you have never been me, I am adding the meanings that have been shared between Yeshuwa and myself over the ages as I have grown to remember more and more of who I am.  I am excited about finally having a recording of a session between Yeshuwa ben Joseph and myself where my true identity as Mary Magdalene is being revealed.

I will be writing extensively about each section of our conversation in newsletters which will later become my new book.

I am the Soul of Mary Magdalene. That doesn't mean that I am a different person than Mary Magdalene who has a piece of her Soul in me. I am in fact Mary Magdalene. I am here on Earth as the Female Christ returning the Highest Frequencies to Earth and opening the 12 Ascension Portals. That is me. That is who I am. There is no other person in the Universe who can perform this mission besides Mary Magdalene. It was my mission to come to Earth, remember who I was and complete this mission.

I was first called upon by Elaika in 2008 when he requested us, the Cosmic Twin Souls, who carried the Female Christ Consciousness of the Soul of Mary Magdalene to move to Monterey, California to open the first Ascension Portal in the Pacific Ocean. That story, in itself, may be found in the shorter version of THE COSMIC TWIN DIARY or in the longer version book, titled, 12 DNA from the Music of the Spheres from the Diary of the Cosmic Twins and the Ascension Program Training with the Keys to the Universe.

I had known within myself that I was Mary Magdalene since Elaika told us that we were the new Jesus and Mary Story on Earth. At first, I thought we were being told that I was Mary and Joe was Jesus Christ.

After a one hour dialog with Yeshuwa - Jesus Christ through a great channeler, I learned that I was the wife and teaching partner of Yeshuwa ben Joseph (Jesus Christ), and we were at once Soul Mates or Twin Flames. Yeshuwa explained this phenomena of the Soul Mate meaning that we came from the same Domain. We came from the God World which is one step above the Universe. He said that he found me when he was 30 years old. He found me because I was the only one that had the same resonance of the God World that he had. This God World is one step above the Universe. It is higher than the realm of the Elohim Angels. This is what I have been calling the Cosmic Consciousness or the Fifth Sphere of the Music of the Spheres which holds the Universe within the Oneness of the Initial Creation of the Birthing Process.

Yeshuwa explained to me that we had lived together in this Cosmic Realm for millions of years before we met again on Earth. He told me that Elaika was there with us as well. I told Yeshuwa that I was a little confused about our relationship as Soul Mates because I thought a Soul Mate meant that we came from the same Soul and then divided when we came down to Earth. I told him that I was confused because my Soul Mate is now here with me and his name is Joe.

Yeshuwa told me that it is true that Joe and I were at once One Soul when we came down into the Universe and we separated into two beings so that our Frequencies could divide into the Male and Female Christ and then reunite again when we found each other.

Yeshuwa told me that the time that I was together with him as his Soul Mate was when I had not yet  divided my Soul into two parts who finally became Angela and Joe for this time on Earth. I needed to divide my Soul into two parts , into the Male and Female in order to move into the Parallel Universe that allowed me to spiral down through the Universe into the outer domains of the Earth's surface. Joe and I spiraled down separately. We were later born on Earth only thirty miles apart, and Joe was born six months before I was in 1954.

Yeshuwa described in great detail how my time on Earth with him about 2016 years ago, was a time when we continued to live in the God World and used  bi-location back and forth from the God world beyond the Universe and back into  the third dimension sometimes weekly or even daily. We kept our Consciousness in the Cosmic World from which we came and traveled the stairway to heaven continuously in order to open this portal of higher consciousness into the Earth.

Yeshuwa told me that he knows how I have already opened at least five of the Ascension Portals on Earth, and that I am the one and the only one who can open all 12 Ascension Portals on Earth by this November. This is the reason EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE in November. When the 12 Ascension Portals are opened all 12 Stargates will be re opened into the Earth. When Yeshuwa and I worked on this process about 2000 years ago, we created the formula for opening one Ascension Portal to Earth. That Portal of Ascension was closed again by Invader Racelines. ( I talk about that situation more in my other books).

There had been several attempts over history to re-open the portals and there were always complications, invasions and other set backs. Yeshuwa explained to me that there was no other time when this Cosmic Event could actually take place besides November and December of 2016. Yeshuwa explained that it is only once in hundreds of millions of years when there is such an alignment of star systems moving around the Suns that places everything in the perfect place at the perfect time.

Yeshuwa told me that this time will occur in November and December of 2016. He told me that my mission of Earth was to return to open these 12 Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean so that those 12 Stargates would align and connect into these Portals later this year. This mission of opening the 12 Stargates is probably the most important mission that has ever been assigned to any one Being. Yeshuwa told me that I have been watched over and protected by a team including Elaika, himself and an entire Over Soul team who is not only the over seers of my personal Ascension, put the Ascension Team of the entire Universe.


This was what was discussed in one part of the dialog.

I will continue writing about this dialog which is the MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT ON PLANET EARTH AT THIS TIME. This is the first time that it has been revealed that Mary Magdalene has been on Earth completing her final mission in the disguise of Twin Souls who performed the task of over coming death as one of the Twins Souls continued to live even as one of the bodies had died. That is the story in the other books.

We had to go through that experience of Joe dying in order to completely understand ourselves as a Cosmic Twin Soul. This is a different type of Twin Flame or Soul Mate than the ones that Yeshuwa and Mary were. We were Soul Mates because we came from the same place, and contain the same Cosmic Consciousness of the God World.


In this section Yeshuwa discusses
Our time together as Mary and Jesus 
Our other times together on Earth
Our time together in the God World.


Yeshuwa discussed with me his memory of how we taught the Science of the Music of the Spheres as the simple OM of the Eternal Consciousness of the Cosmos within the Sun.

Mary explains to Yeshuwa that they were both teachers, they were equal as 12th dimensional consciousness in the form of the female Christ and the male Christ. At this time I (Angela Barnett) am the holder of the Female Christ Consciousness on Earth and Joe Barnett is the holder of the Male Christ on Earth. This is why Elaika told us that we were the new Jesus and Mary Story.

Our Story must begin now because this is the last year of the whatever is to be learned on the Earth that will become history next year. This old Earth story will go down in history as a time of the barbaric people growing into humans and how Jesus and Mary changed the course of that history.

Yeshuwa clearly stated that I am the only one on Earth who holds this Cosmic Mary Consciousness that can open the 12 Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean.  He also said that he was the one who appointed the seven people who opened the Portals on land during the past few years. Opening the 12 Ascension Portals will allow all Beings from all 12 Universal Realms to reunite as One Family in our new Universe.

Yeshuwa explained that it was the original use of the OM frequency to re-unite the resonance of Oneness on Earth. This Cosmic Sun frequency holds the frequencies of 15 dimensions re united together and then transformed into a New Cosmic Frequency of OM.

My use of the OM frequency has become more expanded from a blending of the time I taught this Science with Yeshuwa when we were continuously streaming our consciousness from the highest realms of the Universe.

When an Entity is on the Inside of a situation looking out, they see the situation differently than when they are on the outside looking in. When they become the Observer of the same Situation, an entirely new reality appears to them.

Yeshuwa and I discussed how we were showing the resonance of Oneness of this OM frequency at that time and how now at this time as I am standing out side of the box, looking back as an Observer, I have realized that the teaching of OM must be accomplished by allowing people to hear, feel and experience being inside of the SUN rather than just saying the word OM in a droning tone. That is definitely not how we learn to Resonate with the Sun.

I explained to Yeshuwa that I have needed to re-explain the meaning of resonance as the physical and spiritual frequencies being pulled back together into a new tone or a new resolution of the the new frequency. There must be the realization of much more to this toning of the word OM than just the sound that is made when someone says the word. I explained to Yeshuwa that people have not learned to connect their consciousness to the other side of the spiritual parallel reality and the higher dimensions of the Cosmic Sun, so there is a difference of meaning being transferred to those on Earth of the true meaning of OM.

Yeshuwa also reminded me that when we move into the frequencies of the OM, which is the purpose of all of my music-- moving into all of the frequencies of the omniverse-- we are to fill our cells with JOY, HAPPINESS and BLISS. This is what turns our spark of light. This is what turns on the God Within Us. This is what makes the cells shine with light and makes the skin glow.
That is the magic part of the formula that I was missing.

Yeshuwa told me (Mary Magdalene who is now Angela Barnett) that what I have done in my teachings and my use of the frequencies to show this reality to people is perfect and wonderful and it is absolutely correct. Yeshuwa told me (Mary who is now Angela), that I have opened a door out of and beyond the third dimension by opening the minds of only a few people, and I have made life changing consequences with the people who have purchased the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM in order to work one on one with their Consciousness transformation. Yeshuwa said my book, the 12 DNA from the Music of the Spheres will enlighten thousands of people to the new realities ahead.

Yeshuwa said he had read my books, heard my music, and I have done a wonderful job in expanding our teaching from our first school at the City of Magdalene where we originally showed people that they were much more than a third dimensional being. Our goal was to show them that they were so much more than who they thought they were. We opened them to know their spiritual self and the allness of the Universe is with the Frequency of OM. 

Once again, I explained my point of view that explaining this same phenomena of OM by starting with the understanding of the Music of the Spheres and the relationships of our bodies as the actual essence of the stars themselves, and how we were created from the substance of the Sun helps to understand our true relationship with this OM frequencies which actually means all of the Consciousness within all of the dimensions of the Universe contained within the Cosmic Consciousness of the Sun must be heard and felt as those Frequencies themselves, and that I had chosen to teach this by recording these frequencies that we called OM and placed them on mp3's and CD's so that people can actually experience the OM itself. I explained my point of view that blending all frequencies into the resonance of this OM frequency allows people to realize that we are not just speaking of a chord or a note or a scale as is taught in some Solfege teachings. I explained to them that the entire ESSENCE of what I had taught with him over 2000 years ago at the City of Magdalene in our Mystery School had been lost through the ages and the meanings had been twisted from what they originally were. The meaning has been totally lost through translation and misinterpretations repeated over and over again for thousands of years. I explained that if you just tell people to say OM, it just means to say OM. It does not mean for them to move their Consciousness completely into all of the Frequencies of the Universe and then walk into the Sun in Consciousness.

I know as Mary Magdalene that it was my true mission to understand these frequencies of OM, remember how we were living in the Mind of the Sun when we bi-located to our School of the Magdalenes, how we made time and distance disappear to be at both places at the same time. I knew that my mission on Earth was mastering these concepts so that I could open these 12 Ascension Portals at this time, because this is how I open the portals.

I examined the combination of Yeshuwas explanation of what we taught together and added my new perspectives to what we taught before at our Mystery Schools.
As Yeshuwa already knew from reading my books, I am recombining what we taught as Jesus and Mary at our Mystery school, and what Yeshuwa taught to me when he was St. Germain and I was his student and we combined our realities as teacher and student together with my new perspective gained from looking back at the four billion years we spent preparing for this time when a new universe is being born. This is the reason my new school is called the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse. The word OM takes its true meaning from OMNIVERSE. The frequency of Consciousness that were required to open the 12 star gates was an Omniversal Frequency allowing the re-birth of the original consciousness of OM where we all resonated as ONE.

The OM CD album will contain this re calibration of the new meaning between Yeshuwa and Mary to return to Earth the Resonance that makes us all one. 



we have waited 225 million years to open


YESHUWA CONFIRSM THAT THERE IS NO OTHER PERSON ON EARTH WHO CAN  OPEN THESE ASCENSION PORTALS and that he has only appointed SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE who could open ascension portals on the LAND. The opening of the 12 in the Ocean require Cosmic Frequencies to Open. The others could be opened by those with lower frequencies.



The 12 Ascension Portals are to help energize the star gates that are necessary for travel in the future, and these star gates are necessary for the future. For the continuation of this time line.

It takes 225-250 million years of revolution through the galaxy and  universal star gates. We are coming into this revolution right now and in this area of space there are dimensional port holes and it is as if it is meant to be in this time in your history that you will run into these dimensional portals and your time lines will divide slightly from the third dimensional physical aspects into the fourth dimensional spiritual aspects. ( Normally, the third dimension would move completely into the pure spiritual realm of the fourth dimension and stay there for several thousand years and then bring back that new consciousness into the third dimensional physical aspect of reality). This time we will by pass that period when we would completely evaporate into spirituality and we will bring the consciousness of that realm directly into our experience within the Third Dimensional -- meaning a physical aspect. So, what we are doing are bringing the spiritual into the physical.

Some call this a move into the Fourth Dimension and others call in the Fourth Density because it is actually a sliding of the spiritual aspects of the fourth dimension into the third dimensional or physical aspects of reality. What we will learn is the more we slide into the fourth dimensional spiritual aspects, the more freedom we will find within the bodily form until it no longer seems like a third dimensional body. It will just become more and more free from the old third dimensional aspects that we believed were our reality.

The spirit will become more present in our lives. There will always be the spiritual self going before us to tell us what is ahead and to guide us in the best choice. There will be no more need for controlling one another. There will be a growing freedom over the next two - four years and an Economic Collapse that will result in an almost immediate change into the Tesla Technology and the availability of all of the goodies that have been hidden from us in the Secret Space Program. Yeshuwa told me that our Secret Space Program has been collecting technology from all over the Universe for the past hundred years that could change our entire existence in to complete Universal Knowledge, Travel and Education over night.

It is the opening of the Ascension Portals that will allow the Star gates to open into all of that knowledge directly with or without the help of the Secret Space Program. This is what will truly shift us into a new time line of reality.

This is what will bring us in alignment with true freedom. There will be technology that clears up all of the oceans instantly. There is and will be made available to the world, these technologies that remove the need for any type of waste disposal. There is a technology that makes everything clean instantly. Our government has been hiding these things from us for several generations. In the future we will have these things that are already on our Earth made available to us including time travel machines. We could basically be living life like the Jetsons by 2020 or sooner.

We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place, but it will mostly look the same. The higher one has raised their frequencies by this time, the more of the alternate realities they will be able to see and the faster they will be able to manifest their new reality.

There will be no more money. So, it won't be like only the rich people get to have the goodies like the time travel machines. There will be no more separation.
The only obstacle waiting to be removed before we get to this place in time after the Stargates align with our Ascension Portals will be MONEY.
As soon as our ECONOMY COMPLETELY COLLAPSES it will be time to celebrate.

What needs to be done in a BIG WAY right now is to EDUCATE PEOPLE that ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS A GOOD THING. We can not begin our new future until after it happens.

This Economic Collapse will not be a changing of money to gold. It will not be a change into a one world currency. It will be NO MORE MONEY. It will be an exchange of what one person can do for another person. Everyone will DESIRE to help each other in a big way. And there will be Free Energy. There will be those with Time Travel machines. It will be very different.

The Ecomony is completely held up by the CABAL. That group is not even on this planet. The ones acting as their puppets are on this planet. As soon as the puppets get cut off from the interdimensional mind control of the CABAL, the world consicousness will change.

Both Yeshuwa and Juliana , the Arcturian who has a space fleet near Earth, say the change will happen in about two years-maybe three.

So, how do we get ready. All we need is enough food and supply and alternative energy for about three or four weeks and then we are FREE. There will be nothing to worry about after that. I have solar and a well and I'm planting more trees and bigger garden because we will always need that. The only things that we have been told that we will need in the future are the new technology which will be free and land and a garden. That is all we need to know at this time.

When I asked Yeshuwa to tell me more about the opening of the 12 Ascension Portals he explained this to me. He explained that this even that is just about to happen only happens once every 225 - 250 years

We have been working on this project for 250 million years preparing for this exact timing when the Dimensional Portals will be lined up in the Universe at the same time that I will open the 12 Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean. This is the event that will change the Future Time line of the Earth. I am the only one who can do this. I finally feel a purpose in what I am doing.

Yeshuwa also reminded me that when we move into the frequencies of the OM, which is the purpose of all of my music - moving into all of the frequencies of the omniverse - we are to fill our cells with JOY, HAPPINESS and BLISS.

That is the magic part of the formula that I was missing.

It is also very inspiring to finally know that the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE will most likely happen in 2 years, and it might be extended to four years at the longest. But It looks like a nice clean two years to me.

A few weeks after the Economic Collapse everything will change.

We will immediately change over to the FREE COLD FUSION and Tesla Technology that allows us to run off of the Earth's frequencies. There will be no more need for the Energy wars because we won't be using their energy.
There will be no more money on Earth because we will all be taken care of.