The True Story of Christmas




YouTubes of channeled dialogues between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene that tell the true story of Christ's Birth and the complete stories of what Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshuwa ben Joseph) at that time and NOW

1 Jesus Christ tells the True Story of his Birth 

In this channeled dialogue, Yeshuwa ben Joseph tells the true story of how he was not born in a manger, he was not born in Bethlehem. Yeshuwa says, "I was born in Kobatz, and that town does not exist any more, and it had only 18 people in it. Mary had a relative who lived there and we went there to leave an area of robbers and thieves. We stayed there for about five months before we moved at all."




2 How Jesus Christ will appear on Earth in 2018  

The man speaking the message of Love and Forgiveness on Earth will not call himself the Christ, or Jesus Christ. He will be known as a Messiah teaching the New Meaning of Love. The Creator Being, who came as the Soul of Jesus of Nazareth will guide his friends in this  Galaxy in their adventure of Unconditional Love.

Jesus Christ explained to me how his main message on Earth this time would be the message of Love, and how much God loves each one of his children and how he is always with us and how Jesus is our friend and always wants to be in support of everything that we do. The man speaking the message of Love and Forgiveness on Earth will not call himself the Christ, or Jesus Christ. He will be known as a Messiah teaching the New Meaning of Love.

3 Mother God's Story of Unconditional Love

When Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth came to Earth directly from the God Realm we were given the opportunity to allow God to Experience a Virtual Reality of life on Earth as a male and female together and as a Mother God. This experience was given to God through Jesus experiencing Love with Mary Magdalene in all forms including our life together, our travel, our work with the disciples, our sexual experiences, our experiences with friends, Mary's experience of teaching children, and raising her own son, Josiah with Jesus. 

These were the experiences that changed Father God into the Mother God who is now allowing a new Universe to be formed through the Thought Process of this Loving Mother who has Unconditional Love for all who have been created in this Universe.