Crystal Magic Orchestra

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This album contains the Frequencies that were used to OPEN THE CENTRAL ASCENSION PORTAL that spirals into Earth from the Center of the Pacific Ocean and out of the Earth directly below this point on the other side of Earth. This is the Central Ascension Portal that will allow the Original Consciousness of the Original Human Angelic Race Line to

This album contains the Frequencies that were used to OPEN THE CENTRAL ASCENSION PORTAL that spirals into Earth from the Center of the Pacific Ocean and out of the Earth directly below this point on the other side of Earth. This is the Central Ascension Portal that will allow the Original Consciousness of the Original Human Angelic Race Line to return to Earth.

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This process that I went through to insure the successful completion of the most important MANIFESTATION in this Universe included this Creation Process of Calculation, a complete FOCUS on the Big Picture of the Process, the method within the Stargate Meditation, Lift Off Meditation, and Pure in Heart Meditations , the Strong INTENTION that this Process and Manifestation of this Ascension Portal is Complete, and then Believing that the Manifestation is already Perfect, Eternal and Completed, followed by a complete Letting Go of any thought or tiniest suspicion that the work was not completed, followed by Allowing what ever else that would follow to be what ever it would be.

The most important part of any Manifestation is the INTENTION. The INTENTION must be as strong as the desire to push a baby through the birthing chamber at birth. It must be as strong as the desire to lift a heavy car off of the top of a young child.(This miraculous manifestation has occurred hundreds of times on Earth) It is an Intention of a Huge PUSH that is created by Breathing to cause the outer Band of all of the Spheres within Spheres of the entire Cosmos to collapse into Oneness by Spinning the outer Band Clockwise through the Breath of Light.
This Intention is so Strong and Powerful that it causes the Atomic Mirror effect of breaking through the Veil and moving into the Sound of Silence. That is what causes the crackling in the recorded Sound. I only recorded a short version of this Intention for the Listener, because it is very intense.

For those who would like the longer version of this INTENSE INTENTION that I used to open the CENTRAL ASCENSION PORTAL, I included this as the SUPER POWER INTENTION that follows the MARY POWER that was used for continuous FOCUS.

The importance of my understanding of how this same Mary Magdalene Frequency Signature that is known through out the Universe is the same Frequency Signature that is in my Soul (Of the Breath of Light), will become more and more clear to others on Earth as time passes. I do not expect most readers to understand what I understand at this time, but that understanding will come to you in the future.

This Mary Magdalene Frequency Signature that I have been working with and developing through my music for three decades has been the greatest help for me learning more and more about who I am and how the Music of the Spheres contains the spin rate of my Frequency Signature at each of the dimensional angles.

When I first started Breathing my Frequency Signatures together with my Twin Flame and with the Elohim of Hearing and using the God Language, I started to hear something that I had never heard before.

I heard a type of music that could be layered infinitely and never become out of balance. This was the Music of the Spheres, which is the Consciousness of All that Mother Father God is at each and every dimensional level and every micro dimensional level in between each dimension. This Breath that I was layering was the Soul of Mary Magdalene who was named Of the Breath of Light by Mother Father God.

This last level of this meaning and my understanding of what I was actually doing when I was collecting these Breaths or Frequencies of Consciousness that I would use to Open the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean that would allow the Original Consciousness of the Original Human Angelic Race Line to return to Earth, became CRYSTAL clear to me when I told Elaika and Yeshuwa that I have chosen to create this Ascension Portal at the Cosmic Level.

That was not their decision. It was my decision to create this Portal from the Cosmic Level.  Elaika actually needed to take time out to check with SPIRIT to make sure that we could do this through this new Cosmic Calculation. Elaika re-set the Universal Calculation into this Cosmic Calculation that would make the Portals stronger and more PRECISE.

This was all a part of the Creation Process of this Cosmic Manifestation that will change the History of the Universe and the Cosmos. Jesus told me that he was glad to know that my Understanding of the Eternality of this Portal was so clear to me.


This album contains the Frequencies that were used to OPEN THE CENTRAL ASCENSION PORTAL that spirals into Earth from the Center of the Pacific Ocean and out of the Earth directly below this point on the other side of Earth.
This is the Central Ascension Portal that will allow the Original Consciousness of the Original Human Angelic Race Line to return to Earth.

This Portal required the Frequencies of Mary Magdalene to open it because it is the Portal that reaches from one side of the Earth to the other and from one side of the Universe to the other and from one side of the Cosmos to the other side. (Please use the vision of one sphere inside of another sphere inside of another sphere for the creation of this Portal image in addition to one straight line.)
MY GREATEST REWARD of KNOWING that I was able to Manifest the Opening of the most important Portals in the Cosmos is the realization that I can manifest anything I desire, using this exact same process.
I Intend the Portals to open and then LET GO
ALLOW, Believe, See it, Know it